Jameson: U.S. must revamp its strategy on atomic weapons
In his op-ed in the Buffalo News, ASP Consensus member LtGen Dirk Jameson USAF (Ret) argues that the current size of the US strategic nuclear arsenal is ill-suited for deterring today’s threats. The United States can safely reduce its nuclear arsenal and provide deterrence against nuclear attack. He notes:
A new and effective strategy for deterring a nuclear attack can be achieved by substantially reducing our nuclear force. Our present strategy is outdated. The greatest threats to our security are weapons of mass destruction — whether nuclear, biological or chemical — in the hands of terrorist organizations or rogue states. These threats are not deterred by America’s arsenal of deployed nuclear weapons, or the thousands more in reserve. These systems are of limited practical use and pose tremendous costs.
Read the full op-ed here.
Jameson served as Deputy Commander in Chief and Chief of Staff of U.S. Strategic Command before retiring from the U.S. Air Force in 1996 after more than three decades of active service. He is a member of the Consensus for American Security.