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Briefing Note – U.S. LNG and International Security

U.S. LNG exports are a powerful geopolitical tool with the capacity to bolster strategic alliances, increase global engagement and influence, and restrict adversaries' opportunities for coercion. However, overreliance on LNG carries serious strategic risks and negative environmental impacts for the United States and its partners. Read more...

Briefing Note – U.S. Firms and China’s Data Regime

The People’s Republic of China forces all domestic and foreign companies to share their intellectual property, technology, and consumer data with the Chinese Communist Party. The United States must prevent American companies from selling U.S. consumer data in exchange for access to Chinese markets. Read more...

Understanding Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAMs)

The Biden Administration has made tackling the climate crisis a national priority, one that is continuing to serve as a guiding principle of its domestic and foreign policy. While there are countless regulatory efforts still being debated, carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAMs) seem to be having their day in the sun. As ASP as written about before, there are existing trade tools that can be leveraged to help mitigate the climate crisis. A CBAM is one of themRead more...

Perspective – Code War: How China’s AI Ambitions Threaten U.S. National Security

China's aggressive pursuit of artificial intelligence (AI) harkens a future where bytes and algorithms challenge traditional battlefield superiority. If the U.S. government does not set guardrails now, American firms pursuing lucrative Chinese markets may vanguard the Chinese Communist Party's transition to fifth-generation warfare.Read more...

White Paper – Combating Military Obesity: Stigma’s Persistent Impact on Operational Readiness

Amidst an escalating military recruiting crisis, pre-accession weight loss programs are helping meet enlistment goals. Rapid and sustained recurrence of obesity across all services, ranks, and positions is now a dire threat to operational readiness, especially for at-risk populations and those in critical combat roles. ASP's new white paper evaluates the role of stigma and science in combating military obesity. Read more...

Perspective – Enabling Factors for Achieving U.S. Army Microgrid Goals

The U.S. Army has more than 130 installations worldwide and has a stated goal of operating a microgrid on all Army installations by 2035. With only 25 microgrid projects scoped and planned through 2024, the speed and intensity of microgrid research, deployment, and funding are critical for achieving microgrid goals and energy resilience. To better understand the nature of the microgrid requirement, ASP explored existing guidance, key research challenges, and other enabling factors which impact the Army's ability to achieve its microgrid goals. Read more...

Farm Bill 2023: Will There Be an Agrarian Revolution?

The 2023 Farm Bill stands poised to redefine the fabric of the U.S.’s farmlands, foodscape, and their relationship with the natural environment. It can completely transform the agricultural landscape and promises to change how food is grown, distributed, consumed, and addresses environmental concerns. But given the polarized political climate in Congress, there is skepticism that Congress will be able to reach an agreement by the September 30 deadline.Read more...