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The Consensus for American Security ask the Senate to take up the Treaty without delay – in the interests for our national security

Washington, D.C., August 03 2010 – The Consensus for American Security today expresses regret that the Senate Foreign Relations Committee did not take a vote on the New START Treaty before the August recess.

Consensus member Lt Gen Don Kerrick (USA RET.), former Deputy National Security Advisor said: “the New START Treaty is vital for our national security, it allows us to face the threats of today, while allowing us to invest in the nuclear security priorities necessary to confront the threats of today and tomorrow.”

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has heard evidence for the vital need for the Treaty; that it does not affect our plans for missile defense and that national security experts – Republicans, Democrats and independents – believe this Treaty should be ratified.

Consensus member Dr Janne Nolan said: “through its many hearings and discussions on the Treaty, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has shown that this Treaty is needed for our national security.”

Further, Consensus member Senator Gary Hart said: “at the moment we are without the verification arrangements and on-site inspections of Russian nuclear forces that our intelligence community urgently needs – putting our security at risk. We ask that the Senate ratify this Treaty at the earliest opportunity.”


About the Consensus for American Security: the Consensus for American Security is a non-partisan group of influential military and national security leaders who have come together to highlight growing support for a new and sustainable nuclear weapons policy. The Consensus is an initiative of the American Security Project.