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NZ Herald – Business Feature: Energy to burn

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NZ Herald – Business Feature: Energy to burn

09 February 2012 – 5:48PM

Provcence in southern France, known for its picturesque villas and vineyards, is also home to a vast building site – about the size of 60 soccer pitches.

Before work began in 2007, the dead-flat 42ha platform at Cadarache, about an hour’s drive from the French Riviera, was forested. Now it is set to become one of the biggest nuclear research facilities in the world.

In all, says my guide Topher White, 90ha of woods have been cleared, something he suggests has been accomplished with a certain ruthless efficiency.

I don’t mention to White that New Zealand has had its own brush with French determination to push ahead with nuclear experiments, when its secret service blew up the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland harbour.

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