Perspective – A Closer Look at the U.S. Strategy on Sanctions
This report examines the efficacy and unintended consequences of the U.S.’ current strategy on sanctions. In particular, it delves into sanctions meant to respond to Russia’s increasing aggression on the global stage. It provides historical examples to argue that sanctions, when used narrowly tailored and accompanied by multilateral support and diplomatic outreach, can bring about meaningful change. But as past strategies have shown, broad sanctions uncoupled from global cooperation and diplomacy fail to accomplish their goals, while inadvertently harming American economic competitiveness. It concludes by offering advice for how the U.S. should move forward in crafting an effective sanctions strategy against Russia.
Below are a short briefing note and the full report.
DownloadBriefing Note: DASKA and the Current U.S. Strategy on Sanction by The American Security Project on Scribd
DownloadA Closer Look at the Current U.S. Strategy on Sanctions by The American Security Project on Scribd