On the eve of Memorial Day weekend, the Sierra Club and the American Security Project released a joint report entitled “Ending Our Dependence on Oil,” which shows how America’s addiction to oil threatens our national security, our economy and our environment. The report states that to stop this dependence, we must invest in infrastructure that gives Americans safe and convenient alternatives to driving, improve the fuel economy of our cars, and develop the next generation of advanced biofuels. Read more... Read more...
The American Security Project recently released the mid-year update to their annual “Are We Winning?” Report, which showed a marked decrease in Islamist terrorism in the last two quarters of 2009 outside of the on-going conflict theaters of Iraq and Afghanistan. Even though Islamist terrorist incidents still remain at historically high levels, the decrease at the end of 2009 was the largest since 2004, when National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) started tracking Islamist terrorist incidents. The report, authored by ASP Senior Fellow Bernard Finel and Researcher Germain Difo measures America’s progress in the fight against terrorism according to metrics that are designed to be both reproducible and objective.
Click here to view the full report.
The American Security Project recently released a new report examining the US export control system and the need for greater transparency, predictability, as well as the need to protect fewer things better. The report, authored by ASP Senior Fellow Evelyn N. Farkas, specifically argues that the United States needs to develop a system which prohibits the transfer of critical military and dual-use technologies to countries, entities, and individuals that pose a real or potential threat to the United States; protects the technological edge of the U.S. military; fosters a strong defense industrial base; and facilitates interoperability and cooperation with U.S. allies and foreign partners.
Click Here to Read the Full Report
The American Security Project (ASP) announces the release of their annual report entitled: Are We Winning? Measuring Progress in the Struggle Against al Qaeda and Associate Movements. This year’s report, authored by Dr. Bernard Finel and Christine Bartolf, notes a dramatic increase in Islamist violence around the world, but also identifies several indicators that suggest al Qaeda is losing relevance. According to the report, overall Islamist terrorist violence has risen 20-30 percent since last year – which is the highest point it has ever been at. However, evidence also shows that the reach and power of al Qaeda has diminished significantly and become more focused on local political leaders, rather than at the United States and the West, coordinated through al Qaeda. Click Here to Download the Full Report >>Read more...