America’s longest war will come to a symbolic close by September 11th, 2021. The withdrawal will have profound implications which the United States and its allies must be prepared to deal with. …Read more
America’s longest war will come to a symbolic close by September 11th, 2021. The withdrawal will have profound implications which the United States and its allies must be prepared to deal with. …Read more
The U.S. has key security and geopolitical interests that make access to the Persian Gulf region a critical national security priority, and it should continue to engage GCC states which remain critical allies in the region. …Read more
This report explores the Haqqani Network and offers policy recommendations to consider as American forces withdraw from Afghanistan. …Read more
As the US and the Taliban continue to meet in an effort to negotiate peace, the connections between six primary terrorist organizations in Central Asia must be re-examined. …Read more
Amidst the long-running war in Syria, peace negotiations, counterterrorism and geopolitics continue to resolve in favor of peace and stability. This report analyzes lessons from previous experience in order to make recommendations for stabilizing and rebuilding Syria after the primary conflict is over. …Read more