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Briefing Note – U.S. LNG and Global Energy Security

Fracking, coal divestment, and the war in Ukraine have significantly increased the supply of and demand for U.S. LNG since 2016. While U.S. liquified natural gas exports temporarily provide a stable and flexible energy supply to international markets, gas is a nonrenewable resource vulnerable to pricing fluctuations and political risk, making it an unstable long-term energy source. …Read more

Perspective – Insights and Opportunities for the U.S. Department of Defense Zero-Emissions Vehicle Fleet Transition

The Biden Administration’s Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,” and Executive Order 14057, “Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability,” directed the Department of Defense (DoD) and the service branches to develop plans and strategies for transitioning fossil fuel-based internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle fleets to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). ASP created this report to educate and inform policymakers and key stakeholders about the objectives, challenges, and opportunities which exist as DoD’s continues its enterprise-wide fleet transition. …Read more

Briefing Note – Florida’s Wildfire Management

Wildfires are an important part of forest regeneration in Florida, but they are also a destructive and sometimes deadly force. As the state’s population grows, climate change intensifies, and land becomes more developed, wildfires will have a greater impact on Florida’s economy, residents, and infrastructure, including military bases. …Read more