Affordable U.S. LNG exports have facilitated a global shift away from coal and play a critical role in diversifying global energy supplies, and reducing reliance on adversarial energy suppliers. However, new vulnerabilities are emerging. …Read more
Affordable U.S. LNG exports have facilitated a global shift away from coal and play a critical role in diversifying global energy supplies, and reducing reliance on adversarial energy suppliers. However, new vulnerabilities are emerging. …Read more
In its attempts to reduce its trade deficit with China, the United States is sacrificing its strategic advantage in global energy markets. Rather than building its dependence on U.S. supply, cheap LNG exports aresubsidizing China’s renewable energy development, expanding its geopolitical influence, and fueling its
authoritarian objectives. A new competitive strategy is needed to mitigate oversupply risks and avoid a race to the bottom. …Read more
Fracking, coal divestment, and the war in Ukraine have significantly increased the supply of and demand for U.S. LNG since 2016. While U.S. liquified natural gas exports temporarily provide a stable and flexible energy supply to international markets, gas is a nonrenewable resource vulnerable to pricing fluctuations and political risk, making it an unstable long-term energy source. …Read more
The U.S. Army has more than 130 installations worldwide and has a stated goal of operating a microgrid on all Army installations by 2035. With only 25 microgrid projects scoped and planned through 2024, the speed and intensity of microgrid research, deployment, and funding are critical for achieving microgrid goals and energy resilience. To better understand the nature of the microgrid requirement, ASP explored existing guidance, key research challenges, and other enabling factors which impact the Army’s ability to achieve its microgrid goals. …Read more
Russia plays a significant role in global nuclear energy, including uranium conversion and enrichment. How does this impact American energy security and vulnerability? …Read more