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Retired general: Senate GOP doesn't trust our military

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By Greg Sargent

Washington Post, The Plum Line, 11/20/2010

President Obama devoted his weekly address this morning to urging passage of the New Start treaty. Obama mostly took the high road: Though he noted that Senator Jon Kyl had raised objections that the White House had answered, he didn’t make the case that Senate Republicans are obstructing the treaty for political reasons or criticize them in any way.

Contrast that with the approach taken by Retired Lt. Gen. Dirk Jameson, the former deputy commander of U.S. nuclear forces, who said in an interview yesterday that those who continue to oppose the treaty are showing they have no trust in our military.

Jameson, referring to the wide array of current and former military leaders who support New Start, said it was “quite puzzling” that all this military support is being “ignored.”

He added: “I don’t know what that says about the trust that people have and the confidence they have in our military.”

This is probably too overtly political a case for the President to make. But if Dems are going to get serious about playing hardball — and they really don’t have any other option at this point — this is the type of schism you’d think Dem officials would be highlighting at every conceivable opportunity.