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Rising Seas Harming Atlantic Seaboard; Climate Change Culprit

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Josh Harkinson over at Grist wrote an interesting piece yesterday discussing climate change’s negative impact on the Atlantic seaboard due to rising sea levels. The article mentions that Climatologists expect oceans across the globe to rise between 1.5 and 5 feet this century.

In addition, erosion and ocean current shifts could cause water to rise four feet or more along much of the East Coast. According to Jim Titus with the Environmental Protection Agency, a three-foot rise in sea level will push back East Coast shorelines an average of 300 to 600 feet in the next 90 years, threatening to submerge densely developed areas inhabited by some 3 million people, including large parts of New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.

Rising sea levels aren’t just a Greenland problem or an Antarctica problem; it’s also an American problem. It’s vital that we don’t brush off this information as pure speculation. It’s necessary that we take steps to find solutions to climate change because if we don’t, we hurt ourselves in the end.

You can read the entire piece here.