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Sen. Gary Hart and Dr. David Kay Interview on XM Radio POTUS

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Sen. Gary Hart and Dr. David Kay spoke with XM national radio host of The Morning Briefing, Tim Farley, about the need to ratify the New START treaty.

Dr. Kay said:

“The New START treaty, in fact, for an inspector is a lot better than the old one. It provides almost instantaneous transmission of information about movement of warheads. It provides short notice, 18 short notice inspections. This is a cadre of expertise that we’ve developed over the years […]. START treaties and strategic arms negotiations […] have provided the development of a cadre of people who know how to do this who have the language and technical expertise. We’re not using those people now, for a year, and if this treaty is not ratified very, very soon, you’re going to start to see those people disappear into other jobs. You cannot imagine how expensive it would be to rebuild that cadre.”

When you have inspectors on the ground in a place like Russia, you get an insight into what’s happening in their system, their military developments, what’s coming around. And, it gives you far better intelligence.  I’ve spent a lot of my career staring at satellite photos and listening to communications intercepts. They provide data points. They don’t provide context. They don’t tell you what is the human element and what people are thinking and how they’re going. We’ve lost that. We’re blind right now with regard to Russian strategic nuclear weapons.”

Dr. David Kay on XM radio’s The Morning Briefing with Tim Farley, about the need to ratify the New START treaty.