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Testimony of Admiral Gunn on Climate and Security

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Admiral Gunn’s testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as submitted to the record, is posted here.

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for this informative article. I have some questions at this time. On page 3 the Admiral states that the Arctic could be ice free by 2013. What is the impact on the ocean currents? It is my understanding that at the equator the ocean is over 400 feet higher than it is at Cardiff. If the oceans salt level changes then the currents change (slow down) this would cause the level at the equator to drop, would it not? This would then raise the coastal levels much higher than is currently commonly talked about. With the ice being gone by 2013 how fast do you feel the oceans would react? At what point does the scale tip to the point of no return and the impact speed is increased? I have heard that the US Navy has a map showing coastal projections. It supposedly shows USA coasts being impacted 100 plus miles and the Mississippi river being 50 to 100 miles wide. What is your opinion regarding these events and predictions from the Navy. Do you have access to this map and is it possible for me to get a pdf or jpeg or some other image of it for study?

    Thank you for you time and consideration of this matter.

    Mark LeClair

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