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The Governator – The immigration solution the nation needs

The Governator – The immigration solution the nation needs

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In Politico this morning former Governor of California, movie star and immigrant to the Untied States – Arnold Schwarzenegger-   stressed the need for immigration reform.schwarzenegger

We here at the American Security Project believe that immigration reform is an economic and national security issue.  The United States is in desperate need to improve its competitiveness – and that includes bringing the brightest and best to our country to work, live, start businesses and become American.

As the Governator wrote this morning:

There are different estimates of what comprehensive immigration reform would mean to our economy, but it is safe to say that it would be a boon, not a burden. I read one study recently that said the economic benefits of immigration reform would bring in so much extra money to our treasury that it could decrease our deficit by $2.5 trillion over 10 years.

You can read his full op-ed here.

I would also encourage you to read ASP’s white paper on Competitiveness as well as Harvard Business Schoold’s latest report into this vital issue – both are below:

Screen Shot 2013-02-10 at 12.41.52 PM

Harvard Business School – American Competitiveness

Harvard Business Review Special Edition 

HBS Survey on U.S. Competitiveness: Prosperity at Risk


Check out ASP’s White Paper on American Competitiveness that discusses these issues further:

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