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The Hill – Andrew Holland writes about the strategic energy choices we need to make

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Source: The Hill, 8/18/2011

Following the release of our “America’s Energy Choices” report,  ASP Senior Fellow Andrew Holland authors a telling op-ed on energy security.

“Thirty-seven years ago, President Richard Nixon announced a national goal that by “the year 1980, the United States will not be dependent on any other country for the energy we need to provide our jobs, to heat our homes, and to keep our transportation moving.”

Since this 1974 State of the Union address some sort of ‘energy independence’ has been a stated policy of every Presidential administration, but the United States though has not come anywhere near ‘energy independence.’

Today, we have an opportunity to set on a road to achieve these goals.

Energy infrastructure across the United States is showing its age as the power grid struggles to meet demand and power plants near retirement. Meanwhile, advances in new technologies hold the promise of plentiful energy requiring little or no fuel; but significant research funding is required.

Policymakers will have to address these challenges while also providing for a 30% increase in US electricity demand by 2035…”

Read the full op-ed at The Hill