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The Independent – At 93, Lawrence Lab Physicist Sets A High Bar For Innovation

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The Independent – At 93, Lawrence Lab Physicist Sets A High Bar For Innovation

By Jeff Garberson | 16 March 2012 – 12:00 am

When 33-year-old Richard F. Post went to work at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the late autumn of 1952, gasoline cost 27 cents a gallon. The U.S. was testing the first thermonuclear explosive, code-named Mike, and a Univac computer had correctly predicted Dwight Eisenhower’s victory over Adlai Stevenson.

Post is an internationally known expert on magnetism and its applications. From the 1950s through the 1980s, he helped pioneer the “magnetic mirror” approach to harnessing thermonuclear fusion as an energy source.

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