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The Presidential Debate Series-A Climate Change Question for the First Presidential Debate

The Presidential Debate Series-A Climate Change Question for the First Presidential Debate

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Thousands of Americans have urged the moderator of tomorrow’s debate, Jim Lehrer, to ask at least one question on climate change. With such a groundswell of focus on this issue, what question on the issue of climate change should be asked of the Presidential candidates? What response is likely to be offered? What do we here at the American Security Project recommend for the next administration?

Moderator Jim Lehrer should ask the candidates the following question:

This past year 1,100 Americans died and more than 8,800 others were injured in natural disasters while weather-related damages in the United States totaled nearly $24 billion. The American Public Health Association has called climate change “one of the most serious public health threats facing our nation” and our military leaders have labeled global warming a “major threat to our security”. As President, would you consider climate change to be an economic and security threat to this country, and if so what steps would your administration take to address it?

While we’re not going to go into what we believe that either candidate will say, or even what they should say, we do think that its important that they simply talk about the issue.

ASP believes that climate change poses a clear and present danger to the United States through its effects on our global allies as well as its direct effects on our agriculture, infrastructure, economy and public health. Wildfires, droughts and other natural phenomena do not observe political borders and act as an accelerant of instability by causing sudden migration and sectarian strife.

Regardless of who wins the election, a lack of political consensus and foresight is holding back efforts to strategically prepare for the long-term effects of climate change. Managing risk, mitigating damage and reducing emissions in order to prevent extreme warming in the next generations must be the focus of the next administration.

We here at ASP hope both candidates will use tomorrow night’s debate to clarify how their administration would address the subject of climate change.





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