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The Takeaway: A Team Effort: International Forces in Afghanistan

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By John Hockenberry, Celeste Headlee

Guests: Evelyn Farkas, Nick Childs, Tristana Moore

The United Nations Security Council will vote today to reauthorize the mandate for international forces in Afghanistan. Forty-two countries have troops in Afghanistan in numbers small and large, ranging from Singapore’s two soldiers to Britain’s 9,000. We’re spending the week on the now eight-year-old war in Afghanistan; today we look at the role international forces are playing and how well U.S. forces and international allies are working together. Evelyn Farkas is a senior fellow with the American Security Project, a public policy organization. She was part of a NATO delegation with the International Security Assistance Force that just returned from Afghanistan this week. We also speak to BBC defense and security correspondent Nick Childs in London, and BBC correspondent Tristana Moore in Berlin.

Click Here to Listen to Dr. Farkas on the Takeaway >>
