This Week in Public Diplomacy July 24, 2013
Unfriend: State Dept’s social media shop is DC’s “Red-headed stepchild”
John Hudson / Foreign Policy
The State Department’s Bureau of International Information Programs is riddled with organizational and directional problems, and has its fair share of defenders and accusers.
They hate us, they really hate us
Marc Lynch / Foreign Policy
Anti-Americanism is growing in Egypt, and Lynch warns against continued American involvement.
Thousands greet pope in Brazil
Al Jazeera
Thousands gathered to celebrate the first foreign visit of the new pope who is working to revitalize the image of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church.
Propaganda? No. Bringing ‘Voice of America’ to America is good for transparency
Josh Stearns / PBS
Contrary to popular belief, allowing BBG to broadcast in America will improve transparency. The BBG will also increase foreign coverage with its expansion of foreign bureaus.
Another perspective on IIP social media strategy
Craig Hayden / Intermap
Hayden argues IIP critiques are overly harsh, but recommends increased institutional integration and more straightforward goals.
Zachary Keck / The Diplomat
Keck points out that soft power and hard power are oftentimes confused, and the two cannot be compared like apples and oranges.
World leaders are on Twitter, but they’re not using it
Brian Fung / The New York Times
Even though many international diplomats are on Twitter, few are using it to interact with other diplomats and their followers.
On Our Flashpoint Blog…
IIP: The Red-headed stepchild of the State Department?
Matthew Wallin and Katrina Trost
The Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP) has directional and organizational problems but it does not deserve to be labeled the “red-headed stepchild” of the State Department.
Public Diplomacy Events in D.C.
U.S.- Russia Relations and the Asia-Pacific
A panel at IISS to discuss challenges and opportunities to the U.S.- Russia relationship presented by the Asia-Pacific Region.