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Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the country has experienced isolation throughout Europe, North America, and parts of East Asia. The United States has been leading economic and diplomatic efforts to punish Russia for its aggression in Ukraine, with the European Union being largely on board. However, the international community is not unanimous in its disapproval, with some nations holding a supportive stance toward the invasion or towards Russia more generally. This diplomatic relations tracker is intended to provide a simplified visual overview of diplomatic relations between Russia and the international community by assigning a value to data about each country’s relationship with Russia. This includes data on bilateral diplomatic representation, diplomatic expulsions, voting records in the UN, Russia’s published “enemies” list, humanitarian and military material support to Ukraine, global affiliation with Russia (such as CSTO and BRICS), Russian weapons import or export deals, joint military exercises, and stationing of Russian military or paramilitary troops.
Clicking a country will provide its designation. This map will be continuously updated as new data is acquired.
Last update: December 4, 2023
Tracker version 2.0 designed by Dylan Gooding, launched on December 4, 2023
Initial research and tracker version 1.0 designed by Heberto Limas-Villers
ASP’s newsletter is a weekly publication that includes updates on our activities, feature stories, events, and commentary from leadership and staff on the national security issues of our time.
In Direct Conflict against Russia
Very aligned with Russia
Highly aligned with Russia
Afghanistan does not have a recognized government by the international community or Russia, leaving it not applicable for this tracker. This will be updated once Afghanistan has a recognized government.
Unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
See United Kingdom
Very unaligned against Russia
Very aligned with Russia*
*Armenia has long-standing ties with Russia through the Eurasian Economic Union and the Collective Security Treaty Organization. However, after Russia’s failure to meet treaty obligations in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War and the 2023 Azerbaijani offensive in Nagorno-Karabakh, relations between the two countries have deteriorated as Armenia begins to align itself with the West, even though the country still remains in treaties with Russia.
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Very unaligned against Russia
See Netherlands
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Aligned with Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Unaligned against Russia
Unaligned with Russia*
*Bhutan does not have diplomatic relations with Russia (or with the United States) as it tries to maintain a neutrality in that global context. Even so, it has condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and voted against the nation in the General Assembly.
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Full alignment with Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Very unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Aligned with Russia
Aligned with Russia
Unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Very aligned with Russia
Unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia*
*While Cuba has historically had a close relationship with the Soviet Union and still diplomatically supports Russia, it has not in recent years bought any weapons from Russia, signed any free trade agreements, or are in any major global organization with the nation.
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Very unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned with Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Aligned with Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
While it claims to independent country, it is not recognized by the UN. Therefore, it is not included in the tracker.
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Very unaligned against Russia
See France
Neutral towards Russia
See Denmark
Neutral towards Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Neutral towards Russia
See China.
Highly unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Unaligned against Russia
Aligned with Russia
Aligned with Russia
Highly aligned with Russia
Very unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Highly aligned with Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Highly aligned with Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Unaligned against Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia*
*The UN recognizes the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA), which was in a civil war from 2014-2020. Russia supported the GNA’s opposition, the House of Representatives, in the civil war. While there was a permanent ceasefire, the country remains divided.
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia*
*While Moldova has strongly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and has sought to join the EU, due to the internal politics of the country it has longstanding economic ties to Russia.
Very unaligned against Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Aligned with Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Note: this list uses the UN-recognized governments of each country. The military junta which couped the previous government is not recognized by the UN, which still recognizes the previous government. Therefore, in this list that government is displayed.
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Aligned with Russia
See China
See France
Neutral towards Russia
Very unaligned with Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Aligned with Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Very unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
See United States.
As Palestine is not a voting UN-member state, it is not included in this tracker.
Very unaligned with Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia*
*While Serbia has strongly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it maintains close economic, military, and cultural ties to the country.
Neutral towards Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Highly unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Unaligned against Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Neutral towards Russia
See United Kingdom
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Neutral towards Russia
See United Kingdom
Neutral towards Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Highly aligned with Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Unaligned against Russia
Trinidad and Tobago voted to condemn Russia in the UN, but provided little support since then.
While functionally an independent country, it is not recognized by the UN. Therefore, it is not included in the tracker.
Tanzania remains neutral to secure its food supply, which is compromised with the invasion.
Tuvalu condemned Russia in the UN though that is largely the extent of its condemnation against Russia.
Uganda is neutral given its need for fertilizer.
Highly unaligned against Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Aligned with Russia
As Vatican City is not a voting UN-member state, it is not included in this tracker.
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Neutral towards Russia
While functionally an independent country, it is not recognized by the UN. Therefore, it is not included in the tracker.
Very unaligned against Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Neutral towards Russia
Somewhat aligned with Russia
Aligned with Russia
See Norway for more information.
Unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
Somewhat unaligned against Russia
See United Kingdom
See Denmark
See United Kingdom
See United Kingdom
See France
See United Kingdom
See United States
See United Kingdom
See France
See Netherlands
See France
See France
See France
See Netherlands
See Netherlands
See France
See United Kingdom
See United Kingdom
See United Kingdom